报告题目: Complex Dynamics of non-Gaussian Levy noise报告摘要: In this talk, we will talk about the stochastic dynamics induced by non-Gaussian Levy noise. The classical dynamics of Gaussian noise is presented with a brief introduction t...[详细]
题目:Minimal Right Determiners of Irreducible Morphisms in StringAlgebras报告人:黄兆泳南京大学教授博士生导师时间:2017年10月14日 15:40 - 16:40地点:澳门威斯尼斯615人官方三楼报告厅摘要: 报告人简介:黄兆泳教授现为南京大学数学系博士生导师...[详细]
题目:Coherent rings and absolutely pure covers报告人:丁南庆南京大学教授博士生导师 时间:2017年10月14日 14:30 - 15:30 地点:澳门威斯尼斯615人官方三楼报告厅 摘要:In this talk, we prove that a ring R is left coherent if and only if theclass of...[详细]
2017年中国复分析会议系列报告报告人:崔贵珍研究员(中科院数学与系统科学研究院)报告题目:Parabolic implosion surgery and twist deformation of rational maps报告摘要:Consider the Riemann surfaces of a geometrically finite rational map. A r...[详细]
报告人:邓引斌教授(华中师范大学数学与统计学学院)报告题目1:Ground state for quasilinear Schrodinger equations with critical growth and lower power perturbation报告题目2: Nontrivial Solutions to the p-biharmonic Equation without (AR) c...[详细]
报告人:彭双阶教授(华中师范大学数学与统计学学院)报告题目1: Local uniqueness reduced by concentration报告题目2: Coupled Schrodinger system with mixed couplings报告时间:8月19日下午4:00-4:50,8月20日上午9:00-10:00报告地点:数学院三楼专...[详细]
报告人:裘松良教授(浙江理工大学) 报告题目:The Recent Results for the Ramanujan R-Function With Applications报告摘要:According to different requirements in applications, we present several kinds of series expansions for the Ramanujan ...[详细]